Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Piecing Quilt Squares

I made these a few months ago. I'll go back to them eventually and make more.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Moving things again

My staff at the library are known to moan softly whenever I say "I have an idea!" But they should be grateful that I worked some of it off moving all my own furniture, starting over Christmas, before I started moving things at work. I finally finished today (almost - still missing three boxes that are on order).

cozy corner with fancy things

cookbooks, sewing/craft books, fabric (waiting on bins to go in the empty end spaces)

work desk - currently working on stationery

larger view of work area. i have sewing projects waiting for when i finish playing with the stationery

picture frames waiting on my small work table

plants, tv, records, puzzles - my desk is behind the shelf, in the kitchen (it doubles as a kitchen table)

more fabric

library books, fabric, yarn, comics, felt

classics/series books

hallway closet. my landlord asked if i wanted the doors back and i said no, too much bother. more fabric, skirts, shoes, birdseed, gardening stuff, rowing machine (yes, it's dusty.)

bedroom plants and jewelry/candle making

bedroom shelves - sewing materials, extra blankets, paper towels/toilet paper/kleenex, air bed, craft stuff, and my extra vases, Christmas things, and some other random stuff is stored above

The blank space by the photo albums is for the stationery (the shoe holder has... more fabric)

So if you ever are not sure what to give me as a present, I can clearly use more fabric, storage boxes, yarn, books, or storage boxes...